With Will not feeling well, we had a pretty low key weekend. No church (because he couldn't be in child care), no eating out, and no going anywhere. We did go pick up a pizza Saturday night just to get out which by the way..was very yummy. We hadn't had Domino's in about..oh...6 years and we were quite impressed. Brian (aka Nick Burns) was very impressed with their website and we were both impressed with the taste. It is even quite a bit cheaper than the "Papa".
By the looks of my calendar, this week won't be too busy. I may try and make a trip to Lexington if Will is up to it and we've got Big Jul's birthday on Friday. Other than that, we'll probably play around here. Mom and Dad are in Florida and Brian's mom and sister just got back so there are lots of beach bums around here...but not in this house...unfortunately :( Hopefully, next year!
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